Yesterday Maria and I went to the mall in Fort Smith while Vickie visited Brandie at the hospital.

But after a while it got kinda tired of it, cuz I'm a biiiig shopping fan.. (-_-")
So we walked around and looked at random stuff but didn't buy anything.
Until we met Tori, Carrie and her two little boys. They asked us if we wanted to come to the movies with them, and of course we would!

So we went with them up to the theatre in Fort Smith and watched "A Christmas Carol" in 3D. That was really cool, and it felt like the snowflakes were goin to hit my eyes. I also got scared a lot xD But I liked it very much, and I recommend others to see it too ^^

After the movie we went to WalMart and I bought new Christmas ear rings ;D
They jingle xD

Today we cleaned the house and relaxed
Maria and I also ran around the house xD That was kinda fun ;D

Crazy hat/hair day

Today we had crazy hat/hair day at school =p

I didn't wear anything special, just my colorful hat ;)

Worked more on my facs project too :)
Had some fun taking pictures there today, so u guys can see ^^

They moved Brandie to Fort Smith last night..
Hope she's doing better soon.. "/
She has pneumonia, the Swine and some kind of kidney infection..

Just keep on praying for her yall! ^^

Here comes some pictures:

Good job Maria ^^
Crazy hair day at school
This is Maria's chair in her room..
Where does all those clothes come from? xD
For more pictures visit:
(Ps! It's in Norwegian, but feel free to look at the pictures ^^)

Pajama-day =D

Today we had pajama day at school! ^^
Everybody dressed up in their pj's an wore them to school =p
We also started our FACS project today =D
I'm making pj pants ;D

Good Morning Sunshine

I'm really weird.. I woke up 5 o'clock this morning xD I could have slept for 40 more minutes, but I just felt like waking up =p

Why does that happen sometimes? Why not everyday?
Usually I try to lay in bed as long as possible, and then I find out I have like.. 15 min to get everything ready xD

I think it's up to you. You just have to decide and tell yourself; today I'm going to wake up as soon as the alarm goes off.

Like today, or last night, I decided to wake up 5 o'clock today. And I believed I would, that's an important issue.

So this morning I opened my eyes when the alarm went off and just stood up, without thinking about it. It's easier then, and when your out of the bed it's easier to think about bathroom and other stuff than when you lie in bed. Then it's easy to think: "Just a few more minutes". (I do it all the time xD)

The key is to not go back in bed after you stood up. That can be a really hard test sometimes, but if you pass the test u will feel much better ^^

Anyone who have some good advice to get up in the morning?

Btw, this was a part of my FACS assignment xD I don't think it was really good, but it was something xD There was more to it, but I can't remember everything right now, cause it's 6 o'clock in the morning.. o.O The assignment was to solve problems.. And I have problems in the morning, so she gave me this one xD I also had one about picking the right cereal at WalMart xD And you have NOW IDEA how hard that can be! xD

Today I got my departure info ^^,

I have to be at Gardermoen 4 am on thursday :p (Early.. =_=")

First I will take a plane to Frankfurt, switch plan and go to Chicago. There I'll have to wait 4 hour before a new plane goes to Memphis. And from Memphis I will go to the airport in Fort Smith, Arkansas, where my new family will pick me up ^^,

So please! Everyone have to pray for me, cause I have no, and I meen NOTING AT ALL, no sense of direction!! =S And the airport in Frankfurt is the largest airport in Europe! What am I going to do if I get lost?!?! =O =S

How is it going to end, with my bad sense of direction, switching plane 4 times!!!

*Crying in desperation*..

Haha, just kiddin' ;D I think it will work out fine ^^;

But wish me luck! ^_^,

See ya =p

My American Fairytale

New blog everyone! (If there is anyone who reads my blog..o.O)

Check out this adress if you want to follow my year in the states ^^;

Just to let you know: It's in Norwegian! This way I can't forget my language xD
And something else: I bought a laptop today ^^,
It's sooooo cute! ^^,

As you can see it's very little, so I can easly use ity on the plane ^^,
It's an Acer Aspire One D250 =p
I also talked with my hostmother on the phone today =D
She's such a lovely person! ^^,
I can't wait to meet her! :D :D :D

Oklahoma, yey ^^,

Yeey!!! I got a hostfamiliy today! ^^, At a place called Poteau in Oklahoma =D
My High School starts at August 13, which means I don't have much time. Because of that I have only a week to prepare everything! And I don't even know the exact departure date! =O It's August 5 or 6. And before that I have to pay the embassy a visit. But I can't go there without an appointment. I was supposed to come there the 10th, but since I'm leaving 5th or 6th I have to make a new one.. =_="

Anyways, I'm going to live with an old couple and I'm going to have a "sister". She's also an excange student, but from Switzerland (or how it is spelled..)

I have a lot to do!

BTW, I'm going to create a new "special" blog about my year in Oklahoma (it feels soooo good to finally be able to say where I'm going ^^)

Aaaaaand! I'm going to (maybe) buy my own laptop tomorrow! ^^ Yeeeeey!!!! =D =D =D

Maybe next time I'll blog from America, from MY OWN laptop ^^ =p

See ya! :p

Long time since last time I blogged! :O

But I haven't had a computer to use, and I've been ill, so.. No excuses.. =_=''

Anyway, this weekend I'm going to a motorcycle.. thing? xD It's like a camp.. with motorcycles xD

Going to write about it when I get home ;p

Norbert is sooo cute! He's packed and ready ^^ Have to show a picture of him next time =p
Bought him some new bags (or what I should call them) earlier today. They're supposed to be used on bicycles, but since Norbert is small they fit him perfectly ^^,

Benedicte and daddy are riding Benedicte's bike, so they don't have any space left to their sleepingbags, so Norbert and I have to take one extra, and mom one too. That's why Norbert looks so funny xD

Now I'm only writing crap xD



That's all for now!
(Have to go, cause I'm using my daddy's computer. And if he finds me here he's going to be mad, because I'm supposed to help with cleaning the kitchen and stuff before we go tomorrow.. xD)


Role play

Today is our last "normal" day at school, since my class is finish on Monday ^^

That means this was our last last English lesson, and Lena wanted to do something special:

She divided us into groups, and gave each group a situation. Then we had 5 minutes to set up a role play before we had to present it to the rest of the class.

She wanted to see how we managed to improvise.. :p

My group was Jannicke, June, EJ and me. I was supposed to be an exchange student named Lars, and the others were my super weird host family. The father (June) was tired of the city life and wanted to move and live in the mountain with no phones, no Internet and no modern technology. The mother (EJ) agreed with everything the father said and adored him, and "she" overdid it extremely. Their daughter Jane (Jannicke) was anti-social and pretended I wasn't there.

It was fun xD

The new Ronan Keatings

I think some of the boys in my class are a little fond of boy bands.. xD

They thought it was fun to improvise, so they figured they wanted to do a song.

Here they are; Joakim, Morten, Christoffer og Nils Arne ;p

(Sorry about the poor quality..=_=")

Home, sweet home

Last night, after I checked on Fighter I went for a little walk. And; wow, I'm really going to miss my home! Not just my family and pets and motorcycle, but the whole place too!

I actually began to cry when I thought about leaving our farm, the beautiful sunset we can watch over Glomma and the fresh air. Little things I've learned to love ^^

You know, I feel kind of like Becky in the Mustang Mountain Series. When she first came to Mustang Mountain Ranch she hated it and was sure she would never feel at home there in the deserted place with no neighbors in miles range.

But when she had to be away from the ranch one year, she missed it badly. And I think I'm going to be that way too in the beginning. Maybe even the whole year, I don't know :p

First I hated the rural place, now I love it ^^

If I end up in a city or a town in USA it's going to be weird and a little exciting :p I don't remember how it is to live in a town, I'm too used to live on a farm now ;p

Haha! Suddenly my home has its own post xp

Many things have happened since last time; some good things, some tragic things..
The good things first:
Good things
  • Pentecostal weekend:
    We were at a camp with our church at a very nice place called Ytterbøl ^^

  • Emeli:
    From Wednesday to Thursday I spend the night at Emeli's place.
    First she came with me to our church after school on Wednesday ^^
    Emeli also has drivers licence, but her bike doesn't go faster than 50 km/h..
    I think it made 60 once, when we drove downhill.
    THAT was a little challenge, but it wasn't so bad, I thought it would be harder :p
    We used an old, deserted road, so we drove most by ourselves : )

  • Summer

    The summer is finally here! ^^,
    Just one week left at school before the summer vacation;
    One week left in 1SDT (my class ;p)
    Looking forward to a nice summer with my beloved Norbert :p (xD)


Bad things


  • Mozart

    Mozart, my cat, died on Wednesday..
    He got run over by the neighbors hay cutter and died momentary, with no pain

  • R.I.P Mozart, we miss you

  • Fighter
    Fighter, my horse got colic this weekend
    He just wanted to lay down, and we couldn't get him up.
    When he finally stood up, I had to walk with him until the veterinary came, cause he wanted to lay down over and over again.
    If I had let him he could have got volvulus.

    The veterinary came and gave him some medicine intravenous.
    It was a little scary.. Fighter began to bleed.. :S

    But he's much better now.
    I still have to check on him all the time, and he can't join the others at the pasture, but there's no danger anymore, and that's good.

    The first night I didn't get any sleep:
    First I was with him from the morning (when I found him) to 8 pm
    After a little replacement, from 8 pm to 9 pm, I was back in business
    About midnight I went inside, but 3 am I had to check on him again.
    I got some sleep, and then went out 7 am and stayed with him until the rest of my family woke up.

    To summarize my weekend in one word:

  • Laptop
    I can only keep my laptop one more week, then I have to return it to school.. -.-'
    I don't have a computer my own, so now I have to borrow one.. =_=''

    I want my own laptop! T_T

  • Yawn..


    I woke up this morning with the feeling that something wasn't right.. It took me 30 seconds to realise that I had slept too long and that I was going to be late for school.

    I got 20 minutes late to school.. =_='

    But we were still watching that movie in Social Studies, nothing very important


    Still watching Brave heart.

    I really like that movie ^^

    Mel Gibson fits that role very well, he's a good actor

    And I like their accent ^^

    It's so cool ;p

    Short Day

    We have a short day at school today

    We're just going to have Math, and then we're finished

    After school I'm going to take a walk, watch a clip of twilight, a clip of Pride & Prejudice and then pack my bag, since we're going to this.. camp.. this weekend, with our church ^^

    The Movie Day

    My day today:


    We watched a movie in Spanish, and it was really scary.. :S

    It was a horror movie called El orfanato, or The Orphanage in English.

    Un cuento de amor. Una historia de terror - A tale of love. A story of horror

    Plot summary:

    The former orphan Laura raises her adopted son Simón with her husband Carlos in an old house and former orphanage where she was raised. Simón is HIV positive and tells Laura that he has five invisible friends, and she believes they are fruit of his imagination. Laura decides to reopen an orphanage for handicapped children in the location and during the opening party, Simón calls her to show the little cabin of his friend Tomás. The busy Laura does not gives much attention to her son; then she sees a mysterious masked boy and Simón vanishes. Laura feels the presence of other persons in the house and months later, the desperate Laura invites a team of parapsychologists to try to unravel the mystery.

    Social Studies

    We're watching a movie here too;

    A Norwegian one called "Kunsten å tenke negativt"

    I guess it's something like "The ability of thinking negative" in English.. :p

    (If you want to know the plot, you can google it or something)

    Information meeting with EF

    After school mom and I are going to Moss.

    It's an information meeting about my year in the States ^^

    The big question is; are we going to find the hotel where it's held?

    Mom's sense of locality are about the same as mine, maybe even worse.. :S

    So, there's a big possibility that we might end up in a totally different place, and that can be a


    But I'm sure we're going to work it out! ^^

    That's all for today I think! :p

    See ya! ;D

    I've decided to get more order in my blog, so I'm going to try out a new thing today ;p


    Carine had a birthday party yesterday ^^ This is everyone who were there :p

    I took a walk with Trampe in the beautiful sunshine ^^
    (He's my rabbit if you didn't understand it)

    Grass Cutter

    I'm cutting the lawn ;p
    Me on our grass cutter :)
    (Is that the correct word?Is it a word at all? o.O)
    Perfect Weather

    The weather is just PERFECT today ^^
    I think Fighter (my horse) enjoy the sun too :)

    Actually, the weather is too nice to waste at blogging, so I'm going to move my butt out to the grass cutter again! (That's my favourite word at the moment.. ;p)

    See ya! ^^


    Haven't had much time to blog lately, cause there's been so much to think about. Exam for instance. My class was the only one at our grade that had to take the exam.. -.-' But I think it went pretty well ^^ The topic was 'visiting, studying or working in an English-speaking country', so I felt I had a benefit there, since I'm going to study in the US next school year :p
    But I said I was going to post some photos from our national day ^^

    My family went to Oslo, our capital city, something we've never done before. Partly because I played in my school's marching band and partly because we've never felt the.. need, or what I should say, to go to a crowded place instead of being with our family and have a barbecue.

    But this year we did, and we went to see the King and Queen wave to the parade ;p
    Here are some photos ^^:

    Because of the parade most of the streets were closed, so to get to where we wanted, we literally had to climb to get there.. Not the easiest thing to do while wearing our national dress, Bunad, like they're doing at this photo.

    Jonathan didn't want to go to Oslo, so he was at Grandma's place instead. But mom, daddy and Benedicte was there ^^

    Daddy wore his hat ;p

    The King and Queen waved to us

    Can't use more time on blogging today, have to get back to work! I'm tidying the house, and if I'm going to be finished before I go to Carine's birthday party I have to speed up a little!

    Here's a little video from Norway's national day last year.
    (We were much luckier with the weather this year :p)

    We're blood typing in Science right now ^^
    (Little scary.. :S)
    I have type A.. -.-' It's the most common type in Norway, and I don't like that! I want to be special! xD Ha Ha (just kiddin' ;p)

    By the way, I'm in a little Jane Austen phase at the moment xD
    I just love Pride & Prejudice ^^
    I like Sense & Sensibility too, but there's just something about Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy ^^

    Well, that's all for now! Maybe (if I'm not too lazy) I'm going to tell how my May 17 was, maybe.. xD

    See ya later! :p

    Today I drove Norbert to school for the first time in almost one and a half week! :O

    I don't have any gasoline left, so I just hope I'll make it to the gas-station after school.. :S

    Lovely weather today! One look out the window is all that needed to make me smile ^^

    When I get home I'm going to grab my book and a quilt and lay down on the gras to study :p
    Have an English oral presentation tomorrow, and it's kind of important, cause my grade depends on it.

    Anyways, we have sort of a "twilight-wave" at home right now xD Moma is almost obsessed right now. Last night we watched the movie, and about five minutes after the end mom looked at me with such a look in her eye that it made me want to laugh, and asked in a funny pleading voice; "Can we see the part when they meet again? When he has that sexy glare?"

    Haha, it all ended with her watching the movie. Again xD And when Benedicte demanded to watch Paradise Hotel, mom sat there impatient and waited for it to end. I almost expected to hear her foot tapping xD

    On Sunday, after the confirmation, the entire family sat and watched twilight on a big screen in the living room. Yes, my daddy likes it too xD
    The funny part is that mom is the one to ask about the movie all the time, cause before she saw it she really hated it. She didn't understand how the books could keep me up at night because I couldn't stop read xD Ha ha :p

    When I asked what she likes about the movie she told me it was the intensity of his stares, and the way he can't stay away from Bella. One of her favoriteparts is when they're at the diner and Edward says: "I don't have the strenght to stay away from you anymore" ^^, I like that part too :p

    Wow.. I wrote a long post! :O Maybe because it's so beautiful outside and I'm in a good mood ^^ Plus, we have Norwegian right now, and to be honest, this is the most boring subject in the world! I love math in comparison! We have something to do in math! In Norwegian we just sit here.. and the teacher is talking.. and because I think it's so amazingly boring I don't get a thing of what he's saying.. >.<

    Let me out! Please! *Shake my computer*

    Hm.. I'm surprisingly awake.. I didn't get to bed last night till 4.30 am and got only two hours of sleep.. But I'm not so tired I thought I was going to be.. I had to do my Geography project.. T_T

    No, now I'm going to stop bugging you!

    If you have read all this you should get a medal ^^

    See ya later, alligator! :D

    New hair ^^,

    I forgot to tell you: I've cut my hair! ^^ yey! ^^
    Now my hair is about 25 cm shorter! :O

    I really don't have anything else to write about.. Though I wish I had, cause Tuesday Norwegian lessons are always boring.. =_='

    Anyways, have to go now.. Norwegian to do T_T

    Feels like the day is never going to end.. Gaah! >.<


    My new hair :^_^:
    (Wow, I look pale.. O.o)


    My brother and sister had their confirmation yesterday ^^

    First they had this kind of show (which was really good ;p) and then we went home to our place where we ate and had fun. I played violin by the way xD I think I did well, cause no one looked like I'd ruined their day ^^

    I also cried a lot, (no shock there xD) though it only was tiny things, like my brother singing and my sister smiling while dancing in front of nearly 700 people. But it was when their.. teacher? Oh, what ever. We call him that xD

    So, their teacher wanted to say something about people that had made an impression on him through the year, and he mentioned my brother ^^ So beautiful! ~^_^~

    I even started to cry when the "teachers" were praying for them xD Ha ha xD

    But, anyways: they got around 27 000 NOK each :O Twin-confirmation was kind of fun :p

    Thank you SO MUCH Madeleine for helping us out! ^^


    I'm going to add some photos later ^^

    Emotional Me..

    Some times it's good to be emotional; other times not so good. In school for instance, while watching a movie or reading a book. It sure would look weird if I suddenly start to cry..
    And if I'm trying NOT to cry, I have to concentrate so hard that I don't hear or see things around me, cause it's a really strong feeling to me, which is hard to hold back.

    This happened this morning, and since I don't wear waterproof makeup it would have looked really weird..

    See, we watched a Norwegian movie called "Buddies", and at some of the scenes I had a hard time not to cry. It took almost all my concentration and I ended up missing some of the things that happened =_='

    The problem is that I can't watch a movie (or read a book) without being really in to it, and when I do I don't sense things around me and I forget the time.. (Yes; I'm crazy.. >.<)

    So I can't appreciate stories unless I'm alone or in a cinema where it's dark and no one interrupts..

    So, since I liked the movie, I'm going to rent it and watch it at home, where I can release my emotions and not feel embarrassed afterwards :p

    My weekend:

    Friday I actually used most of the day to tidy my room ;p
    We didn't have school, so I had all day ~^^~
    And I finally got curtains! We've lived here for two years (I think) but I didn't get curtains until now :p (I'm weird O.o)

    Saturday morning daddy, Benedicte and I went to Fredrikstad on our motorcycles. Daddy and I were going to work at a drag race called Street Legal.

    I drove with them some of the way, but they were so slow (and I don't have any patience when it comes to driving slow) so I took off on my own. And I'm actually very proud, cause I found the way all by myself though I have a terrible sense of locality.. :p I just drove the wrong way once! ^^

    But before Street Legal started we were at Planke MC in the center of Fredrikstad.

    I tested how many horse powers Norbert has. His back wheel has 18, so they said it's about 25 in the engine.. What's legal is.. 15? *whistle*..

    Then we went to Street Legal and I worked there from 2 pm to about 7 pm

    I was supposed to work a little longer, but Stine called and asked if I wanted to come to her place together with some friends. I haven't seen her in two years or so, so I really wanted to go. Daddy was an angel and said I could just go ^^

    And on my way back, from Fredrikstad to Heia (where Stine lives), I just drove the wrong way three times! ^^ Go, go Pernille! xD


    Yesterday, right after Madeleine and I left the library, we went to Østfoldbadet. We hadn't planned to go there, but I had two free tickets which had to be used yesterday ^^

    Madeleine got interviewed for the local newspaper yesterday :) She laughed a lot xD
    I also rented The Lord of the Ring. I think I'm the only person in Norway that hadn't seen it yet xD

    But back to Østfoldbadet. It was fun! (Østfoldbadet is a swimming hall in Askim by the way) We saw a lot of weird people xD

    Now we're watching "Bonanza" in English class ;D

    Later :p

    I'm at the library right now ^^ With Madeleine :p

    I've just had my violin lesson (or Benedicte's xD) Actually very fun! ;D
    Before we got there, Madeleine and I drove around a little with Norbert.. We didn't have a specific place to drive to, we just.. went where the wind blow xD (And it's blowing a lot outside, so it was a little difficult to drive -.-' But! As the perfect driver I am, it was a piece of cake =D (Just kiddin' xD)

    But I don't really have anything more to write about, so I'll just end it here xD

    See ya later, Alligator! =)

    I want to *yawn* sleep

    I'm just posting some photos, cause I'm too lazy to blog today xD
    There's been a lot of important tests lately, so.. *yawn*.. :p

    By the way: check out this blog;
    I think they would be very happy if you did xD

    Mom and Dad

    Benedicte bought a motorcycle last week ^^
    An Aprilia rs 125 ccm :)

    Norbert and GPZ

    Norbert ^^

    A magic dude who visited our church this Sunday.. I think he called himself Timian or something
    (He was a little weird, but funny in a way)

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