Many things have happened since last time; some good things, some tragic things..
The good things first:
Good things
  • Pentecostal weekend:
    We were at a camp with our church at a very nice place called Ytterbøl ^^

  • Emeli:
    From Wednesday to Thursday I spend the night at Emeli's place.
    First she came with me to our church after school on Wednesday ^^
    Emeli also has drivers licence, but her bike doesn't go faster than 50 km/h..
    I think it made 60 once, when we drove downhill.
    THAT was a little challenge, but it wasn't so bad, I thought it would be harder :p
    We used an old, deserted road, so we drove most by ourselves : )

  • Summer

    The summer is finally here! ^^,
    Just one week left at school before the summer vacation;
    One week left in 1SDT (my class ;p)
    Looking forward to a nice summer with my beloved Norbert :p (xD)


Bad things


  • Mozart

    Mozart, my cat, died on Wednesday..
    He got run over by the neighbors hay cutter and died momentary, with no pain

  • R.I.P Mozart, we miss you

  • Fighter
    Fighter, my horse got colic this weekend
    He just wanted to lay down, and we couldn't get him up.
    When he finally stood up, I had to walk with him until the veterinary came, cause he wanted to lay down over and over again.
    If I had let him he could have got volvulus.

    The veterinary came and gave him some medicine intravenous.
    It was a little scary.. Fighter began to bleed.. :S

    But he's much better now.
    I still have to check on him all the time, and he can't join the others at the pasture, but there's no danger anymore, and that's good.

    The first night I didn't get any sleep:
    First I was with him from the morning (when I found him) to 8 pm
    After a little replacement, from 8 pm to 9 pm, I was back in business
    About midnight I went inside, but 3 am I had to check on him again.
    I got some sleep, and then went out 7 am and stayed with him until the rest of my family woke up.

    To summarize my weekend in one word:

  • Laptop
    I can only keep my laptop one more week, then I have to return it to school.. -.-'
    I don't have a computer my own, so now I have to borrow one.. =_=''

    I want my own laptop! T_T


    1. Anonymous said...
      Hectic indeed!
      Amanda said...
      Så leit med Fighter! Jeg vet jo det om Mozart, men visste ikke det med Fighter.. Så dumt :/ Håper det blir bedre med både han, og migrenen din! Stakkars deg altså..!

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