8 Ball Pool Stick Veos.Fun/8Ball
5 years ago
Challenge! :)
1. Find a song you like on YouTube.
2. Post the song on your blog.
3. Find the lyrics and post the third line.
4. Why do you like the song?
The third line from the lyrics:
"And save these questions for another day"
(Wow, interesting line.. xD)
I really like this song, it's so beautiful. I don't know exactly why I like the song so much, but it touched my heart. I think the piano in the background is a big part of the reason. So amazingly beautiful!
Yeah, this is my favorite song at the moment. For some reason I couldn't get the original song here, but you can find it here on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKZ34LnzQDM&NR=1