Books and stuff

OK, now I feel like a nerd... You probably know by now that I'm more than less obsessed with the Twilight-saga. Well, now I've read the saga trough but I can't get enough of it, I still want more! So I thought I as well could read it over again xD
Twilight, the first book, I have read three times or so already, so I almost know it by heart by now xp

But I have to read something else too, so I'm reading about all the American Presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama and American history. I AM a nerd.. >.<

I really enjoy the English lessons nowadays, cause we learn about American politics ^^ It's very interesting!

To get to another subject: I simply HATE snow! Last week I was so happy cause the highways were almost clean from snow, but this morning we had to dig our way to the car. Why?! Why does it snow now? It's March! It's SPRING for crying out loud! T_T

Spring is supposed to be the best season of the year! The snow is gone (or should be gone.. =_='), the birds are coming back, the flowers once again show their beauty, the sound of motorcycles on the road, the air is clean, all the signs of Spring. And, of course; it's a time to fall in love.

In Bambi the movie, it's called "Kvitredilla" in Norwegian. I don't get the English word, but the owl says it in the clip below :p

Oh! I want to see Bambi! ^^ It's one of my favorite children movies :p

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    sinnsykt kult at du blogger på engelsk da, Pernille! :D

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