I know I've been sloppy lately with my blogging, but now I'm going to let you know short what I've been doing lately..
First of all; it's been a lot of application stuff. Since I'm going on an exchange year it's a lot I have to do. Taking vaccines for instance. (The Hepatitis B vaccine is one of the most terrible vaccines I've ever taken.. :S)
Benedicte and I began horseback riding two weeks ago and now we're doing it every Monday. I didn't remember how fun it was! :D
Besides that we have school and homework and duties at home. I've also been reading and thinking a lot.
March 14 my Grandpa became 70 years old, and we held a little party for him. We ate pizza from Go'biten and a little too much cake :p
Today we're going to the horses again! I'm really looking forward to it! ^>^
Here's Grandpa when we woke him up in the middle of the night on his birthday and him his present from mom and dad. He didn't believe that they gave him a trip to Croatia.. :p