Here in Norway we have this problem when it comes to buy food; which butter to choose. Cause we have so many different types of butter. It's really annoying T_T
My family always argue when we're in the store, cause I want one type of butter (Soft flora), mom and Benedicte one type (Brelett) and dad and Jonathan one third type (Bremykt).
This butter-problem is enough to start a fight at my house. (Please, do NOT jump to the conclusion that my family fights about the most tiny, stupid things in the world or that we never agree on anything and are mad at each other all the time xD)
Why can't it just be one type of butter that everybody likes? It would make everything much easier! :D Especially when we're at the store!
brelett og bremykt<3
Soft flora light <3
hahah, hos pappa har vi fem forskjellige smørtyper xD