Today I'm happy ^^ Because I'm driving Norbert today! It's been a while since I drove Norbert to school. Most because of the weather, but also because I had to help mum out at work. But today mum said I didn't had to come to her work if I didn't want to. Yey! ^^
I have decided to drive Norbert as much as possible, cause soon the winter comes, and then I can't drive him at all.
Heh.. Somehow it's little weird to write him, since it's a motorcycle xD But I think he has soul, and if something has a soul, it should have a name. So I gave him a name; Norbert (Sven Rolf). This might sound even weirder, but I think he is special.
My dad once said that bikes are like us humans. We try to find the right one. Maby Norbert is the right bike for me? You can call me crazy if you want, but that's how I think.
Well.. That's what I had on my heart this morning when I drove Norbert to school. I also found out how much I look forward to the spring. What a great feeling! The first time you take out your bike after a long and cold winter! :)