Today I drove a scooter for the first time. Actually, I hate scooters! So this is a little weird.. I promised myself to never sit on a scooter, ever! But.. For some reason, I asked to try it! Maybe it's because it was so extremely ugly? (Not nice of me to say, because the one who owns the scooter is my friend). I don't even know if I can call it a scooter. Well, it looked like a scooter, but it was really small and somehow it reminded me of a mosquito! And when i drove it, it was like driving a little inconstant grass cutter on two wheels over a suspension bridge. Terrible! Can't imagine how it would be to drive it for more than two kilometres!
But though.. (I'm sad to say it), it was kind of fun to!
I have to say this; even if I thought it was fun, I will never, and don't misunderstand me: never, get myself a scooter! I still think they're ugly, and if someone says the ugly word scooter (that I've been using a lot in this text), I will ask them to not swear. Because to me, to say scooter is the same as swearing! So when I'm finish with this post, I have to clean myself and ask for forgiveness. Cause in this contribution I've been swearing a lot.